Canadian and US customers, please note that you are not charged customs fees; this page is not relevant for you.

If your country is not on the list, it does not mean that your country doesn’t charge customs fees; please ask us for support on this via the chat or look up your government’s customs page for details. 

NOTE: Wild Rose & Sparrow is not responsible or collecting any customs fees in any way. All customs fees that may be incurred upon delivery of your order are charged by your country’s government and go to your country’s government. We are not involved in any way with these fees, they are imposed by, collected and go to your country's government.

United Kingdom: 

Per your goverment's regulations, you will be charged, upon delivery:

Typical VAT rate of 20% is applied to “the total package value, including:

- the value of the goods

- postage, packaging and insurance

- any duty you owe”

If the goods are worth more than 135 GBP, you will be charged Customs Duty.

“If you’re charged Customs Duty, you’ll need to pay it on both:

-the price paid for the goods

-postage, packaging and insurance”

For more details, see your government website: 


Per your goverment's regulations, you will be charged, upon delivery:

VAT is 20%

+customs/duties that vary also apply

For more info:


Per your goverment's regulations, you will be charged, upon delivery:

VAT is 19% “The basis for assessment of the import VAT shall be the goods’ "customs value" plus customs duty.”

+customs/duties that vary also apply

For more info: 


Per your goverment's regulations, you will be charged, upon delivery:

VAT 20%

+ customs & duties that vary also apply

For more info: 


Per your goverment's regulations, you will be charged, upon delivery:

VAT is 23%

+customs/duties that vary also apply

For more info: 


Per your goverment's regulations, you will be charged, upon delivery:

VAT 22% 

+customs/duties that vary also apply

For more info:


Per your goverment's regulations, you will be charged, upon delivery:

VAT is 21%

+customs/duties that vary also apply

For more info: 


Per your goverment's regulations, you will be charged, upon delivery:

VAT 21%

+customs/duties that vary also apply

For more info: 


Per your goverment's regulations, you will be charged, upon delivery:

VAT rate of 8.1%

customs/duties that vary also apply

“Recipient needs to pay the following fees:

-VAT on value of goods ordered (including shipping costs and customs duties)

-customs duty on gross weight

-carrier’s expense”

For more info:

We are providing these customs fee summaries for your convenience to have an approximate idea of the customs fees you may have to pay. These were written based on the information provided on the government and customs information websites, as linked above. We are not affiliated with any customs agency, nor are we import tax lawyers. Given this, we are not responsible for any inaccuracies or discrepancies between the fees that are summarized here and what your country’s customs office/postal service are charging you, if applicable. We are not responsible for any changes in your country’s customs law, and we are not responsible if there are any additional/different customs fees that you are charged by your government.